Monday, October 29, 2007

Chai Latte

This is my friend Alex's dog, Chai. She was a rescue from RSPCA; apparently she'd been dumped in a bin somewhere at 6 weeks old. Luckily she came home with us! She was supposed to be a Mastiff X, but looks more like a Lab X Staghound, with a bit of Border Collie thrown in, amongst other things. I know I usually babble about my own two darling mutts, but this was my 'first' dog, back when Alex and & I were seeing each other, and we named her after our favorite tea. Chai lives with Alex and an evil American Spaniel named Bobe, who wee's on everything. Her birthday is the day in between our own birthdays, she's the most gorgeous natured pup, and has the softest fur I've ever cuddled.
She's also so black and shiny she hardly shows up in photos :)

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